3G/4G OR Satellite Internet is an excellent solution, in rural areas !

Internet For Rural Areas

All our plans include a 10-day free trial.
Money-back guarantee, cancel any time.

NO CONTRACT 4G Umlimited $99/mo Choose Plan 20 GB Satellite $59.99/mo Choose Plan 10 GB Satellite $49.99/mo Choose Plan
10-Day Trial
Free equipment included
Free booster antenna
The Most Rural Areas Nationwide
FASTEST 4G Services
Online Games Respectfully
Netflix ,YouTube, Hulu
Nationwide coverage
30 Mbps Download Speed
10 mbps upload speeds
Business Purposes
TV / Internet bundle

Why is it so hard to get fast & reliable rural Internet

Cable providers don’t want to dig trenches.

In most rural areas, traditional wirelines Internet services like Comcast or AT&T aren’t available. Cable companies only offer services within urban or suburban areas that have a high population density. In order to bring cable Internet service to rural areas, providers would have to dig trenches to bring the wirelines out to the country. Unfortunately, these providers do not think that it is worth it to dig trenches in rural areas, as there are fewer customers per mile than in urban areas.

4G unlimited plan - is unlimited, fast and reliable!

Not all hope is lost though…unWired is here to help! We are committed to bringing fast & reliable Internet to rural areas across the Central Valley. We are a fixed wireless Internet provider and all of our towers are located 10 miles or less from your location, which means our Internet service is reliable and has low latency. We also have completely unlimited data, free from any kind of data limit. Our speeds are guaranteed, and we can offer speeds anywhere from 5 to 100 Mbps depending on your need. What are you waiting for?

Call our friendly sales team today at 1-774-243-0001